SJ, Edwards, Inc.

Long-Term Care Insurance

More adults over the age of 65 will demand long-term care services as the population ages.
Many individuals believe that long-term care is only available in nursing homes.
It can be, but it can also be done at home, in an adult daycare center, or in an assisted living facility.

The following things could influence your requirement for long-term care: the average life expectancy Long-term care is more likely to be required as you get older. Consider whether your family has a proclivity for living a long life.

Gender Because women live longer than males, they may require more long-term care insurance.

Your family’s circumstances If you have a spouse, adult children, or other family members who can help you, you might not need long-term care services.


Health issues in the family If chronic or debilitating health disorders run in your family, you may have a higher need for long-term care.
Are you unsure whether or whether you require long-term care insurance?