SJ, Edwards, Inc.

Employee Assistance Programs

Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are agreements between a company, a university, or a government agency and their employees that provide them with a variety of support services.

Although EAPs are primarily designed to assist employees with work-related issues, they can also assist employees with issues that arise outside of the office if these issues interfere with work attendance or performance.


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was created in the 1970s to combat workplace drug and alcohol abuse.
EAPs have evolved since then to deal with various issues. with concerns such as marital issues, depression, anger control, anxiety, and physical disease, to name a few.  Employee assistance programs (EAPs) can provide daycare for employees’ children and elder care for employees’ parents. It’s possible that legal and financial support will be made accessible.

An established EAP can generally attract and retain greater personnel than a similarly situated firm without one.

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